GP Advice Service
Are you providing medical support for someone living with dementia who is experiencing behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)? Contact one of our medical specialists for clinical advice and support through our new email service.

Specialist advice to help manage BPSD
The GP Advice Service offers access to our team of geriatricians and psychogeriatricians who specialise in the care of people with dementia and behaviours and psychological symptoms.
Our medical specialists will provide one to one advice regarding your clinical case via email or by phone at a time that suits you. We want to hear about your patient’s presentation and history and will provide support and suggestions targeted to their specific needs.
We understand the complex landscape faced by GPs and aged care providers and also offer support through a range of other programs, including the Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service (DBMAS) and the Severe Behaviour Response Team (SBRT).
Who is GPAS for?
GPAS is for GPs who are providing care for people with behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia and who would like to access clinical advice from a medical specialist to help manage these symptoms.

What services does GPAS include?
- Tailored clinical advice for your patient experiencing BPSD
- Convenient email response service or phone-back at a time that works for you
- Written advice from a medical specialist based on your clinical scenario
- Opportunity to speak to aged care medical specialist one-on-one
- Referrals to other DSA services
How we’ve helped others
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I speak to a specialist directly?
Yes, we can arrange for a specialist to call you back at a time that is convenient for you. If this is what you would like, please specify some suitable times in your referral email.
Can I get advice after hours?
No. The service operates during business hours, Monday to Friday.
Can I arrange admission for my patient via this service?
No. Dementia Support Australia is a free national advisory service but does not operate any inpatient beds.